#10: Progress is important to me because....

Hi Reader Welcome back,

How is your year so far? The last two emails related to moments of gratitude. I hope you were able to take a moment to reflect and find some time to detail your intentions for this year. If you have not been able to review all of my letters from 2024 here is a link to catch up. 2024 Letters.

Hope you are ready for this months letter. I am truly excited about this letter because it involves bringing you ideas, tips, resources, and so much more.

"“Be Inspired, To Believe, and Proceed.” Jacqueline Vazquez


Letter #10

Hi there,

So today's letter is about progress. I seem to find that everyone defines progress differently. Some people put a lot of pressure on their progress with projects or their to do lists, others may coast along the fine lines and others simply are not too concerned with the outcomes of their progress as long as it's complete.

So why is progress so important to me at this moment. Simply said, My focus is always on the end goal, but my main focus is on what it took to get there and what I learned along the way. Life is a progression in anything we do, so why does it matter how you got there.

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. As an advocate for education, I feel that knowledge gives you the power to change the course of history based on this "new knowledge" . This will determine whether you choose one path or another. Both paths may be great, but when you have a bit more knowledge you see things a bit more differently and can learn even more new things along the way.
  2. As a connecter I have found that connecting and building valuable relationships with people can also change the course of your life and the progression of your goals. To me this can include industry connections, coaches, mentors, local connections, etc. I can definitely say that the investment I made in my coach has definitely impacted the progress and intentions of my goals. The journey has truly been amazing.
  3. Personal development is, in my opinion, the most important lessons I've learned from my growth, whether it be in my personal or professional life. In the end, it's not just about the metrics; its about what has made me a better or more knowledgeable person and how I have been given the platform to give back and impact other peoples lives along the way.

Why is progress so important?

Here is my order of importance when it comes to progress. Take a moment to write down what your order looks like. You can add other factors to your list that may not be listed her. The key is to define more than just the end goal.

  1. Prioritizing Goals
  2. Aligns with my values
  3. Learning & Development
  4. Well being
  5. Being open to new things
  6. Learning from my mistakes
  7. Building relationships
  8. Motivation
  9. Taking risks
  10. Achievement

It's this mindset on progress that has enabled this shy introverted girl to become a compassionate and respected global leader, educator and connector. But I do have a pet peeve; I do not expect to be given an opportunity, I expect to earn a place at the table through my hard work, respect and past experiences. If not, I create my own. In my opinion, there is genuine honor when you put value into everything you do, including the work done both on a personal and professional level.

So what does progression mean to you? Do you work and work until you get it done and are left asking yourself why did you do this? Was it worth it? Did I learn anything? Does it align with my values?

Find some time between now the next letter to define what progression means to you.

Before I close my letter, I would like to share why I am grateful at this very moment. I am grateful for you. I appreciate your continuous support as I share my monthly letters with you. I deeply appreciate the feedback I receive from my readers, whether in person, through email replies, or via messages on social media to share how my letters have touched you or made a positive impact on your day. Thank you again for welcoming me into your space at least once a month.

Until next month. Click on the photo to tune in to my Inspired by Jacqueline Podcast.

P.S. While I will not be back until next month, we can meet every week on my podcast or follow my journey via my Instagram's on @JV_NextLevel @LEBJV @ClassyJV @InspiredbyJacqueline

P.S.S. Letter Archives: If you have missed the other letters, here's a cool feature I have created for you. The ARCHIVES https://www.catalystbridgeagency.com/monthly-letter-archive

Love, Hugs, and Kisses. xoxo


Classy and Inspiring

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