Hi Reader Welcome back, November's letter was about A Moment of Gratitude and How To Create Moments of Gratitude. Were you able to take time to reflect on how you create your moments of gratitude? Were you able to try any of the gratitude ideas I shared? Or are there any that you already do? Would love to hear about what gratitude means to you. Share by simply replying to this email. Click the link if you need to access the Gratitude Letter #8. During Thanksgiving were you able to try out any of the gratitude icebreakers? Which one would your did you try and would recommend? and Why? Hope you are ready for this months letter. I am truly excited about this letter because it involves bringing you ideas, tips, resources, and so much more. Letter #9 Hi there, So today's letter is about the continuation of creating "moments of gratitude" and sharing how being "intentional" this year changed my life. I want to take a moment to share some reflections as the year draws to a close and before we look to the new year. In continuation with last months moment of gratitude, into this months seasons of peace, love and gatherings, my hope is that you are still using the gratitude icebreakers and taking time for self gratitude moments. Even more so now in this season as its one that is consistently about being Jolly, Merry, and Joyful. You never know who is struggling or being challenged with a situation. So be kind to one another as you gather and spend your moments with intention and gratitude. I can think of times in my life when I didn't always have a Jolly, Merry, and Joyful holiday because I was preoccupied with challenging situations I was facing. Whether it was my journey with infertility and being around people, while being asked tons of "when are you having a baby" questions. Or when I had to undergo a procedure over a Christmas break and had to wait to find out if my cancer test was positive or negative. Or the time when I lost my father in November 2017 so close to both my birthday and the Christmas holidays. I just wanted a moment of silence and to watch Netflix and forget about the pain I was feeling. Then there was last year when I lost my mother. I spent the entire Christmas season thinking about how much I missed her, how much she enjoyed cooking her traditional Puerto Rican Christmas dishes, and how we used to dance to the Classic Spanish Christmas tunes while she was in the kitchen. I'm not sure if you can identify with this or have experienced something similar. The reason why I shared my experiences was to help you reflect on my new holiday message. It's about how changing a simple holiday message can become more inclusive than a sentimental or emotional message. So instead of your message being have a "Happy Holiday" (which is NOT a bad message or wish) you could say "Wishing You A Peaceful Holiday." (this message becomes more inclusive for those who are struggling with any situation). I saw this message on a colleagues post today, and it resonated with me so much that I am now training my mind to become more intentional with this message. It's crazy how a simple switch of words can create a huge impact. Now I turn the page to my "Moment of Reflection." The word of the year for me in 2024 was all about being "Intentional" and wow did I stay focus on that. What does it mean to be intentional? Being intentional is about being focused, committed, and to place attention to something important to YOU. It's the ability to see specific results in the future that, if you achieve them, will make things bigger and better for yourself, your business, and your life. This year my intentional focus was on the following:
I can honestly say I have achieved all of this because I was extremely intentional with my goals AND having the support from my Coach Gi and my husband was an added bonus. So, how can you set your 2025 intentions?
Find some time between now and the end of the year to write down your intentions for 2025. This is more than just creating your vision board. Your vision board ideas can be a part of your intentions, but what sets your intentional goals apart from creating a vision board is listing how you will take action and create a time to focus and change your routine to make your intentional goals truly come to fruition. I believe in you and I know you can do this. So let's do it. Before I close my letter, I would like to share why I am grateful at this very moment. I am grateful for you. I appreciate your continuous support as I share my monthly letters with you. I deeply appreciate the feedback I receive from my readers, whether in person, through email replies, or via messages on social media to share how my letters have touched you or made a positive impact on your day. Thank you again for welcoming me into your space at least once a month. Until next month. Click on the photo to tune in to my Inspired by Jacqueline Podcast. P.S. While I will not be back until next month, we can meet every week on my podcast or follow my journey via my Instagram's on @JV_NextLevel @LEBJV @ClassyJV @InspiredbyJacqueline P.S.S. Letter Archives: If you have missed the other letters, here's a cool feature I have created for you. The ARCHIVES https://www.catalystbridgeagency.com/monthly-letter-archive
Love, Hugs, and Kisses. xoxo Jacqueline |
Hi Reader Welcome back, How is your year so far? The last two emails related to moments of gratitude. I hope you were able to take a moment to reflect and find some time to detail your intentions for this year. If you have not been able to review all of my letters from 2024 here is a link to catch up. 2024 Letters. Hope you are ready for this months letter. I am truly excited about this letter because it involves bringing you ideas, tips, resources, and so much more. "“Be Inspired, To...
Hi Reader Welcome back, In the beginning of this month I shared my letter, and highlighted the importance of finding your voice. I hope you had some time to gain insight into finding your voice and the value of who you are. Were you able to write down 2 to 3 reasons why you should share your voice? If you didn't do this assignment, is it because of timing or is there something holding you back? You still have time to put your list together, so make sure to click here to access letter #7, or...
Hi Reader Welcome back, My September letter delved into the concept of the "comfort box," exploring the fine line between comfort and being comfortable, and how it could impact your long term goals. Were you able to evaluate where you stand and if anything is holding you back from your goals or any missed opportunities? Hope you are ready for this months letter, I am truly excited about this letter because it involves bringing you ideas, tips, resources, and so much more. "“Be Inspired, To...